Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24)
4:30 pm at Holy Trinity — Traditional Christmas Eve Service with Children’s Pageant
7:30 pm at Holy Trinity — Traditional Christmas Eve Service with Organ & Strings
10:00 pm at St. Paul’s in Pendleton — Traditional Late Night Christmas Mass with Choir & Strings
Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25)
10:00 am at Holy Trinity in the Parish Hall
Our Christmas Day Service will be somewhat different this year. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall, in proximity to our brothers and sisters who will be preparing meals for Clemson Meals on Wheels clients.
Others will be preparing care packages and small gifts to accompany the meals. Our worship will take place within the context of the ongoing work of ministry, and we will take time to participate in that work in response to the Gospel. Our celebration of the Nativity of Our Savior will take the form of serving those who would otherwise be hungry and alone on this most holy day.